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eDynamic Curriculum | Grades 6-12

eDynamic Curriculum was named one of the 50 best online electives curriculum for high school and middle school Students.

About the eDynamic Curriculum

The eDynamic Learning curriculum has been named one of the 50 Best Online Electives for High School. International Virtual Learning Academy is pleased to announce the addition of 50 electives to its online curriculum lineup. These academically excellent electives allow students to customize their learning as well as to interact with other students.

Features of our new electives include: 

Higher Level Thinking Skills – Students use critical thinking to apply course concepts to various situations and experiences.
Motivating Review – Entertaining games assist students in preparing for tests.
Comprehensive Instructor’s Guide – An extensive guide enables parents to manage curriculum and monitor student work.
Engaging Learning – Curriculum writers have worked hard to keep students interested in the subject matter by employing various presentation formats, including videos, podcasts, interactive online activities, iTunes integration, and professional graphics and animation.

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