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Enroll Today!

Step 1: Provide Application Information
Step 2: Provide Payment Information for a $150 Application Fee

We’re so excited you’re taking the first step to put your child on the path to success and getting the freedom our online private education provides.

You can enroll with IVLA any time of the year. While there are times of the year enrollment is more popular for students, we do not adhere to any enrollment periods. We are a year-round school, meaning you can enroll at any time of the year.

There are many reasons why students may need to enroll in a new school at various times throughout the year, and IVLA is here to help students and families with any unique scheduling requirements. Whether transferring from a traditional or other online school, from another country, or getting back into school after a medical leave, we’re here to help create an academic plan that works for your unique needs any time of the year.

After filling out the application form, select your preferred payment method for the $150 application fee for each student. This fee is billed per school year for new and renewing students. This fee is separate from tuition prices and is non-refundable. Tuition is based on grade level and number of courses taken, it does not vary per curriculum program used.

If you have any questions about proceeding with enrollment please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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Enroll Anytime, Anywhere
We're one of the few accredited online K-12 school that have year-round enrollment!

Questions? Call (877) 878-6001

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