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NCAA Accredited

International Virtual Learning Academy offers NCAA accredited courses for high school students pursuing NCAA eligibility.

NCAA Accredited Courses

International Virtual Learning Academy offers NCAA accredited courses for high school students pursuing NCAA eligibility through its Apex Learning System curriculum package.

Initial Eligibility

Initial-eligibility standards help ensure you are prepared to succeed in college. The eligibility process also protects the fairness and integrity of college sports by ensuring student-athletes are amateurs. If you want to practice, compete and receive an athletics scholarship during your first year at a Division I or II school, the NCAA Eligibility Center must certify you as eligible.

What do I need for NCAA eligibility?

If you want to compete in NCAA sports, you need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at eligibilitycenter.org. Plan to register before your freshman year of high school (or year nine of secondary school).   
IVLA student
online school NCAA accredited

Academic Requirements

To study and compete at a Division I or II school, you must earn 16 NCAA-approved core-course credits, earn a corresponding test score* that matches your core-course GPA and submit your final transcript with proof of graduation to the Eligibility Center.  
* For Division I, 10 of your 16 NCAA-approved core-course credits must be completed before the start of your seventh semester, including seven in English, math or science.

International Academic Requirements

To study and compete at a Division I or II school, you must earn 16 NCAA-approved core-course credits, earn a corresponding test score that matches your core-course grade-point average (GPA), and submit your final transcript with proof of graduation to the Eligibility Center.

Grade Point Average

The Eligibility Center calculates your core-course GPA based on the grades you earn in NCAA-approved core courses. 
  • Division I requires a minimum 2.3 core-course GPA. 
  • Division II requires a minimum 2.2 core-course GPA. 

Helpful Resources:

Meet Student Athletes at IVLA

Why Choose Our NCAA Accredited Courses?

Why choose our NCAA approved online high school for Student Athletes?


Student athletes at IVLA can start their course of study at any time during the year. It’s part of what makes our online education program one of the most flexible options for students and families.


Because learning can happen anytime in any place, athletes can balance their training and education schedules. Read more about online learning with IVLA to see just how flexible your student’s education could be.



Each course at IVLA is supported by a teacher who will track students’ progress and answer students’ questions. Furthermore, all IVLA teachers are certified and highly qualified for the courses they instruct.


Finally, students are assigned a success coach who works closely with the student and family to provide weekly feedback.  In particular, success coachs facilitate club sessions, where students engage in shared learning experiences.


Enroll Anytime, Anywhere
We're one of the few accredited online K-12 school that have year-round enrollment!

Questions? Call (877) 878-6001

Request High School Transcripts | States With Special Online School Requirements: New York | Maryland

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