An Accredited Online School

YES, IVLA is an accredited school (K-12) online education provider. IVLA is one of accredited online schools serving students in grade K-12.  

Is IVLA an Accredited School? Yes.

IVLA's Accreditations

IVLA is an accredited online private school serving students in grade K-12. The International Virtual Learning Academy (IVLA) is accredited by Cognia, the largest community of education professionals in the world, including the U.S. and 70 other nations.

In 2006, the Cognia (formerly AdvancEd) structure was created by the merger of the PreK-12 division of the North Central Association (NCA) and the Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS). In 2011, the merger was strengthened and expanded through the acquisition of the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC).

Accreditation ensures IVLA is adhering to certain goals and standards recognized as important to the quality of education. Accreditation also helps ensure the student’s education will be accepted at other accredited institutions. Learn more about online school accreditations and approvals from other programs like GATE and NHS.
View IVLA's Certificate of Accreditation Through Cognia »
cognia online school accreditation

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