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Maryland State Homeschool / Online School requirements

Homeschooling for Maryland-Based Families

Families residing in the state of Maryland and in search of an online school recognized by the State of Maryland should know the following:

The IVLA Process for Maryland-Based Families

Frequently asked questions answered by the Maryland State Education Department are below and can also be found here. Please reference the website to review the rules and regulations for Home Instruction in Maryland.

Families will need to contact your local school board and/or school to withdraw your child from school and to request the required documents for homeschooling.

On the required documentation, select “Program Type A” which states that parents will maintain a portfolio of the materials, which demonstrates that regular, thorough instruction is being provided according to COMAR Regulations 13A 10.10.01C, .01D, and .01E. The portfolio will be reviewed by local school system personnel at least twice during the year, at a mutually agreeable time and place.

IVLA will provide families with the tools and support needed to obtain the syllabi and any required reports. Families are required to complete and sign any document provided to you by your district. IVLA cannot complete or deliver these documents to the appropriate agency on your behalf.

We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have. Please contact us anytime to have us help make this transition seamless for your family.

Maryland-based students are eligible to attend International Virtual Learning Academy (IVLA) to obtain their education and high school diploma.
The state of Maryland does not recognize online schools that are not located in the state of Maryland as “traditional” schools.
Maryland-based students that are enrolled in an online school that is not located in the state of Maryland are classified as “home schooled” and must follow Maryland state homeschooling laws.
Our extensive experience with Maryland-based families and students has given us a thorough understanding of the requirements of Maryland’s homeschooling laws.
IVLA continues to be the online school of choice for many Maryland-based families and students.

Maryland FAQs

What is independent study?
Independent study is a course you would take traditionally at home as a typical homeschool course. This means you are responsible for the records, quarterly reports, and completion. If you want to add on an independent study, we can provide you with a packet to help guide you in the process.
Do you offer health, PE, art, and music?
We do offer some health, pe, art, and music courses. If we do not have courses desired or needed, students can take independent study courses or take your own program at home in addition to our curriculum.
How do I get reports or portfolio materials?
Full-time Maryland students will have a coach to assist you with this process. IVLA’s entire process is online, which puts all of our resources at your fingertips. Students are encouraged to save their work offline for easiest access. Start saving these documents early and often in an offline folder on your desktop.
Is IVLA located in the state of Maryland?
IVLA is not located in the state of Maryland, but students from Maryland may attend our school.
Does IVLA complete your homeschool documents and submit them on your behalf?
No. State laws require the student’s guardian to complete all required documents and then submit them to the appropriate agencies in accordance with stated deadlines.
Is IVLA approved by the state of Maryland?
IVLA is approved as long as family notifies district as a homeschool family. Parents will maintain a portfolio of materials, which demonstrates that regular, thorough instruction is being provided by the use of IVLA curriculum and teachers. More here: https://www.homeschoolfacts.com/state-laws/maryland-homeschool-state-laws.html

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