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What's New At IVLA?

December 13, 2019
Meet Carlee Busby – An IVLA Student With A Decorative Passion

Carlee is a 12th grade IVLA student with a unique decorating passion. About six months ago, Carlee began making decorative arrangements and wreaths. Her new passion began with the unfortunate passing of Pops, her beloved grandfather, in 2018. As a tribute to Pops, Carlee’s grandmother and aunt began teaching themselves how to make cemetery arrangements. […]

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November 20, 2019
Dual Hatted: Reflections from a Teacher and Military Spouse

Teaches: High School Social Studies Education: Bachelor of Science in History and English Education, Illinois State University Master of Education in Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership, The College of William and Mary Other IVLA Responsibilities: Success Coach and High School Book Club, 2019 From the moment I watched Ken Burns’ documentary, The Civil War, I […]

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November 19, 2019
Meet Sarah Lessard - an IVLA Student Stationed on a Military Base

Interview with Distance Learning Student Sarah Lessard Completing your high school education through a distance learning environment allows for quite a bit of flexibility in your time management, lifestyle, and ability to live/work anywhere in the world (literally!) Sarah Lessard, a current IVLA student, knows this first hand, particularly when she moved to a military […]

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October 29, 2019
9th Grader Maintains 4.0 GPA While Traveling Great American Loop

One of the most obvious benefits of attending an online school like IVLA is that you can work from anywhere in the world and on your own schedule. Many IVLA students take advantage of this feature by using their time more wisely to practice a particular craft, sport, or musician. IVLA students with aspirations to […]

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July 12, 2019
Anna Leigh Waters

Anna Leigh Waters, the youngest professional pickleball player.

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June 19, 2019
Sarena Michnick

2019 IVLA Graduate Sarena Michnick's Letter to Students Considering IVLA

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June 1, 2019
Hunter Talak

Choosing IVLA has allowed Hunter to pursue his aspirations of becoming a pro soccer player and getting a college degree in business.

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June 1, 2019
Christian Dresser

Enjoy this reel highlighting some of Christian Dresser's talents in the early stages of his career. We are so excited to see where this road takes him (no pun intended!) We also caught up with Christian to ask about what his daily life looks like as a motocross rider and online high school student. Read […]

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May 30, 2019
Caitlyn Jodon - the 2019 IVLA College Scholarship Winner

Meet Caitlyn Jodon, the 2019 IVLA college scholarship winner! Caitlyn will be attending the University of Arizona to study to become a speech-language pathologist. Caitlyn found her passion for speech-language pathology while volunteering for the Best Buddies program in high school, where she met and befriended many students with intellectual disabilities. She was also a […]

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