Online Elementary School

Learn about online elementary school through IVLA - an accredited, private online school for students K-12 since 2007.
Online Elementary School:

The IVLA Difference

Grades K-5
Online elementary school - Shiekh Family - Cyber school
One of the Shiekh family's 9 boys who are enrolled in IVLA.


IVLA provides a personalized, self-paced educational program for its online elementary school students. Our online curriculum is both easy to use and engaging for the students on and offline. When combined with our certified teachers and success coaches, IVLA’s online elementary students have all the resources needed to achieve academic success.

In addition to providing a self-paced learning program, IVLA online elementary students can further personalize their educational program by selecting from various online curricula. This allows our families to select the curriculum that they feel best matches their child’s learning style. Elementary students are required to take 4 core courses: Language Arts/English, Math, Science and Social Studies, with an option to choose from our elementary school electives.


IVLA’s online elementary school students will also enjoy bi-monthly live homeroom sessions where they will get to know their fellow classmates and teachers. Our students will participate in activities designed by our teachers to accentuate and promote a social environment. These sessions are conducted in a safe and private virtual environment and are led by their success coach. Parents are also welcomed to join all homeroom sessions.
IVLA students meet for homeroom with Mrs. Herrera
The Broussard family kids, hard at work together! 


IVLA’s online elementary school provides a secure community where our students can post pictures or videos, participate in monthly challenges, display artwork, or engage in chatting with their fellow classmates and teachers. Students may also select to participate in specific clubs, where they can post and participate in activities of high interest while interacting with other students of similar interests. All student posts are monitored and approved by teachers to ensure that everyone feels safe within the community. IVLA further encourages its online elementary students to interact with each other via our “Pen Pal” program, where students are paired up so they can enhance their social skills while also practicing their letter writing and correspondence skills.

Attend a Virtual Open House

Attend a live open house webinar to get a firsthand look at all the options our accredited K-12 online curricula has to offer. We’ll discuss how online education works, what makes IVLA different from other K-12 online schools, and answer live questions from the audience.
TitleDateStart TimeDurationRegister
IVLA Virtual Open HouseApr 8, 202510:00am PDT1 hour
IVLA Virtual Open HouseMay 7, 202510:00am PDT1 hour

Parent & Student Expectations

Parent involvement plays a vital role in the education of students, especially early elementary school students. IVLA understands that elementary students require more guidance and adult supervision. On occasion, parents will need to sit with their child as they complete their course work. Other times, the student will be able to work independently while requiring little, if any, assistance from you. Some of your child’s lessons may require the parent to print something, purchase materials, or oversee their excellence.

Elementary students can expect to:

Spend an average of fifteen (15) hours per week online on coursework.
Notify their parent, teacher, and/or success coach if they have questions or need assistance.
Be held accountable for their progress and grades.
Interact with other students at IVLA through homeroom and IVLA’s chat.
Obtain feedback on assignments and progress.

Parents of an elementary student can expect to:

Establish a daily routine for their child.
Assist their child in familiarizing themselves with the computer and webpages, such as the read aloud functions for beginning readers.
Check in weekly to monitor their child’s progress and grades in the parent portal.
Communicate directly with teachers and/or success coaches.
Help create a distraction free learning space.
Encourage students to attend live homeroom sessions.

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Is lack of socialization a problem for IVLA homeschool students?
The level of socialization homeschool students enjoy is entirely dependent on how the adult(s) in charge of the experience coordinate and manage opportunities for outside activities. Not everyone who homeschools takes the time to plan extra-curricular activities or involve their children in the community. Generally speaking, homeschool kids go on field trips with other homeschooled kids; attend topically interesting classes and seminars at local museums, zoos and other places; start home businesses; play sports and are involved in art, drama and music lessons. The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) “PBS Parents” quotes National Home Education Research Institute president Brian Ray who believes that socialization is not a problem for the vast majority of homeschool students. Mr. Ray reports that “Research shows that in terms of self-concept, self-esteem and the ability to get along in groups, homeschoolers do just as well as their public school peers.”

To assist in the learning and socialization process, IVLA offers homeroom sessions through a success coaching program designed to give full-time students the opportunity to interact and build relationships with other students.
Which student populations does IVLA serve?
IVLA offers an alternative approach to traditional classroom education models. IVLA is proud to serve students:

• who wish to take advanced courses or additional courses so they can graduate early;
• who need to make up credits for failed courses in order to graduate;
• who need remedial help in reading or mathematics;
• who need a flexible learning schedule that allows them to focus on careers or extracurricular activities that include extensive travel; and
• who live with medical conditions that make it difficult to attend a traditional school.
What is the International Virtual Learning Academy?
International Virtual Learning Academy (IVLA) is a year-round, online, private K-12 school. IVLA is fully accredited by AdvancEd and awards a California State High School Diploma. IVLA faculty members are highly qualified teachers who meet the California State requirements for private school faculty. Teachers and success coachs interact directly with students and parents to assess, prescribe, and monitor student progress. IVLA’s learning systems provide individualization to each student’s learning needs. IVLA offers over 1500 courses of the most innovative, engaging, and effective online curriculum available.
How will IVLA help my student?
Whether you are a student working above grade level or if you have fallen behind and want to catch up to the curve, IVLA’s assessment and curriculum options can help you increase your chances of accelerating to graduation and success. If you’re a student who can work independently and without a lot of supervision, IVLA’s online programs can be a great “fit” for your educational needs.
Does IVLA offer courses at all K-12 grade levels?
Yes. IVLA enrolls students in grades K-12.
Do IVLA students do well academically?
The trend towards online learning raises the question of just how effective online or online homeschool education is as compared to current traditional education models. According to a 2010 study conducted for the U.S. Department of Education, online learners perform slightly better than students in traditional face-to-face classrooms. (Source: Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and review of Online Learning Studies: U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service – Revised September 2010.) The study analyzed research comparing online and conventional learning at institutions of higher education and in K-12 school settings between 1996 and 2008.

A key finding of the report shows that students doing some or all of their coursework online rank, on average, in the 59th percentile, meaning these students did better than 59% of all those who were scored. Students in traditional classrooms ranked in the 50th percentile. Although this is a significant difference, the results don’t signal the end of public schools. But – the facts may help put an end to the myth that online learning is of a lower quality than current traditional learning models.
Can a student graduate from high school using IVLA programs?
Yes. IVLA awards a California high school diploma on completion of graduation requirements. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 25% of the required credits with our program to earn a diploma. Depending on the diploma track chosen, this will total either 5 or 6 credits.

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