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Military Families

Military families who are actively serving and protecting our country can receive a 10% discount when enrolling with IVLA.

Finding Stability as a military family

Serving your country is rewarding in so many ways. Moving your family around the country and around the world brings new experiences, relationships and perspectives to your children that result in an incredible amount of personal growth.

However, the military life can also create a degree of instability and uncertainty regarding education. Family schedules can be quite challenging and subject to change on a moment’s notice. The quality of the available schools can range from fantastic to sub-standard with each move. Children often miss the opportunity to build a lasting relationship with a success coaching teacher who takes a special interest in their education.

High Quality Education

IVLA's programs enable you to provide your child with a quality, stable education no matter where in the world you are living. We empower you to create flexible goals that enable your child to learn at a time and a pace that make the most sense given the realities of your life.

If you know you will be moving soon and want to plan ahead, you can create a customized school year by determining the months and days your student will receive instruction.

Get a feel for our online K-12 program first hand, before enrolling.


Enroll Anytime, Anywhere
We're one of the few accredited online K-12 school that have year-round enrollment!

Questions? Call (877) 878-6001

Request High School Transcripts | States With Special Online School Requirements: New York | Maryland

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